Sunday, March 16, 2008


Bands of the Week:

Cut Copy
Melbourne, Australia

Atlanta, Georgia

Fleet Foxes
Seattle, Washington

Photo of the Week:

This photo was taken in Denver, Colorado. I was back visiting my uncle with my parents and sister before going to a family reunion at Rocky Mountain National Park. This day, my dad and I went to downtown Denver to watch the Colorado State-University of Colorado football game at a bar, The Falling Rock Tavern. We refused to stay in hideous suburban Denver, where we had a selection of the finest chain restaurants surrounding by 10 acres of parking lots. Instead of driving downtown, we took the light rail (something surprisingly Denver is ahead of Seattle in, wayyyyyy ahead).

On the way back we had to transfer to a different train at the 10th/Osage station. In Denver, one of the light rail's lines parallels the freight tracks. At this station, directly across from the light rail tracks were what must have been 100 Union Pacific Locomotives laid up, all coupled together. It's a site I'll never forget, and hope to see again someday.

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